Body Life
Wednesday, March 6, 2019
The Sanctifying Hand of a God Who Keeps Me Awake
John Piper and the ministry of Desiring God has been one of the most influential Bible teachers in my life. Though I do not agree with eve...
Friday, December 29, 2017
Taking Captive the Winter Blues
It happens every year about this time. It is below zero for a month straight. The wind howls. The sun doesn’t come up till almost 8 am and...
Wednesday, February 15, 2017
Building a Bridge From Our Doctrine to Our Doings
The scene from The Princess Bride is almost blazed into many of our minds. It is a true classic. Viccini and Inigo Montoya are standing ato...
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
Don't Be A Pendulum Swinger
A few years ago, I heard Albert N. Martin say something that has stuck with me and been very helpful in the Christian life. He said,"Th...
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
A Bull in the China Shop of Technology
A few years ago I found myself in a debate with another Christian arguing for a position that was clearly contrary to Scripture. In the midd...
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